By Margaret Papoutsis

I have had high blood pressure for most of my adult life - it is a strongly familial problem. Both my parents and 3 of my aunts had severe strokes, so I have tried many approaches to try to control it. Not only drug therapy, but also every possible complementary approach - as an Osteopath and Nutritional Therapist I have had access to a wide variety!

However, nothing has been really helpful, and my hypertension has increased steadily over the years without remission. Prior to starting Buteyko breathing, there was a definite probability that I might follow my other relations and have a stroke myself.

I had read about Buteyko - and even attended a lecture on it, but never really believed that it could be so effective. Neither did I think that I would have either the time or the discipline to maintain the practice in the long term.

After a number of 'coincidences' occurred, I decided to investigate all the possible methods of learning Buteyko - and came across Eduard and His Amazing App. At last I had found something that I might be able to maintain - but even so, I signed up with little expectation of improvement.

But a miracle occurred! Two weeks into the course my blood pressure was dropping almost daily, and my sleep improved, my nasal problems reduced and many minor complaints have disappeared. I could never have imagined that a lifetime of mouth breathing could contribute to so many disorders.

Hopefully I will eventually be able to control my blood pressure on little or no medication. I am now completely converted to Buteyko and in particular, the brilliant method that Eduard has conceived. He has almost certainly saved my life. Thank you, Eduard.

Margaret Papoutsis
Registered Osteopath & Nutritional Therapist

Disclaimer: there is no guarantee of specific results and results will vary.